Sunday, December 8, 2013

elements of surprise

The water
in our basin
is shallow
yet murky.

The future is colluding in darkness
right before our
myopic eyes.

The presentation will 

Leaving one question:

"What more could I have done"?

The above is my submission (with illegal edits) for this weekend Trifecta writing challenge ( which I was to add 30 words to the three words offered: Myopic, Dazzle, and Basin.
My poem (the first poem I've every written) might be cheesy or possibly even suck but it describes last Wednesday perfectly for me.


  1. i enjoy looking at your "cut out" words. dazzle is italicized and playfully placed.

  2. playfully? I say "unexpectedly".Nothing playful here I'm afraid

  3. The future is colluding in darkness - what a beautiful line!
